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About us
Smart tools in different shapes

Next generation products

Smart Tools

In our innovation lab, we accelerate companies in developing new smart tools and services by combining user-centered design and digital technologies. Next-generation tools and products are connected and amplified by sensors and actuators. They're becoming little robots that are seamlessly woven into our everyday lives.

The digital mindset

From our everyday use of digital apps and services, we know that information can be connected in many different ways. Intelligent algorithms make new functions, assistance systems and automation possible. This digital mindset is already changing ways of working and business areas on a global scale. It is turning the corporate landscape upside down.

This mindset starts to migrate into the traditional devices that surround us. These tools assist, give good advice or perform work semi-autonomously. Small helpers such as vacuum cleaner robots or the Thermomix enjoy great popularity. In production, construction and logistics, tools such as networked torque wrenches, intelligent spirit levels or semi-autonomous routing machines set new standards. In nursing robots can complement human care work.

With a higher density of functions, usually the technical complexity of a tool increases, as does the complexity of its operation. We create tools that are easy to use – despite increasing functionality.

The trend is clear: classic tools are experiencing a leap in innovation due to advancements in networking. It's not about optimizing a single handgrip. All processes along the value chain are being revised and adapted to the technological possibilities. The role of the tool is shifting.

A new competitive advantage

If tools are part of a digital ecosystem, the tool manufacturer's position in their traditional cosmos evolves. Furthermor it changes the way the tools are developed. We call these new interconneted devices smart tools.

A good tool is intuitive to use, compensates for inaccuracies, increases efficiency and security, and gives us access to new abilities - it gives us superpowers!

Example - how Smart Tools change forestry?

While working tools and people gather, process and exchange information related to the forest. In this process, a digital twin of the forest is generated. This twin allows to inform, plan and act more efficiently.

Smart analysis tools are used to meassure and understand the forest biosystem. By leveraging the collected data, monitoring and forecasting services enable sustainable forest management. Handheld devices equipped with assistant systems simplify the planting, maintenance, and felling of trees. The processes are automatically documented in the digital twin. With the help of this data logistics and route planning is optimized and robotic systems can make autonomous deliveries.

1 Inform and plan
2 Planting and caring for seedlings
3 Soil analysis and growth monitoring
4 Optimize wood value

5 Safety and help
6 Felling and defining pieces
7 Transport and logistics
8 Further processing in the sawmill

Innovation demands a change of perspective

Successful smart tools are not designed from a technological perspective alone. It is necessary to focus on real customer needs, the exact workflows on site, and the value chains' nodes to overcome the significant challenges ahead. Outstanding and future-proof smart tools consist of equal parts of digital business model, user-centred design and latest technology.

Our Smart Tool Services

Intuity is your external lab for design-driven product development. We design and validate new opportunities and competitive advantages through the fusion of business model development, user-centered design and cutting-edge technology.

  • Minimizing risks of product innovation. We work in short sprint formats to explore speculative innovation fields. This allows us to avoid the risk of high investments in potential dead ends. In these formats, we develop new product ideas with you and validate their market potential.

  • From idea to market launch. During long-term projects, we support companies in developing a digital agenda and bringing succesful products to market.

  • Prototyping studio The focus of our work lies on gaining insights in a tangible way. Our prototyping studio is just as important to us as our workshop spaces. In close collaboration with our clients, we create strategy in an interplay of thinking and doing.

  • Organizational innovation Digital transformation also means a transformation of the organization and the corporate culture. We develop appropriate formats with you and coordinate initiatives for successful change.

Are you interested in an exchange of ideas, or is there any project we can help you with?