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About us
A line graph shows the electricity consumption of the current month on a computer screen

Transform energy markets

The current energy landscape is characterized by volatility in energy production, consumption and thus in pricing. Our energy network was originally built for demand-oriented energy supply. Now, these are being converted into producer-oriented systems.

Together with our customers, Intuity is developing new business systems and products for greater transparency and security in planning and control.

Based on: IRENA (2019), Innovation landscape for a renewable-powered future

Since the liberalization of the European electricity markets at the end of the nineties, electricity has been traded on the Leipzig Energy Exchange. When trading electricity, producers and consumers can react to meteorological, political and demand-oriented circumstances with minute precision. This leads to an electricity price that can change significantly over short periods.

Datagraph and timeline – Time period selection
Datagraph and timeline – Time period selection
Graph und Zeitleiste – User interface
Graph und Zeitleiste – User interface
Datagraph and timeline – Sketch
Datagraph and timeline – Sketch
Datagraph and timeline – Time period selection
Datagraph and timeline – Time period selection
Graph und Zeitleiste – User interface
Graph und Zeitleiste – User interface
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With the lighthouse project EnBW Smart Energy it is possible for companies to analyze their own needs and to purchase and trade electricity directly on the Leipzig Energy Exchange. Smart Energy allows companies to contribute to the energy turnaround actively and to optimize their energy management individually, both economically and ecologically.