For a moment, imagine that your controlling department had no overview of the costs and benefits of your business processes. If you asked them about this data, they would venture out and try to give you an answer without a clear set of tools. This scenario may seem abstruse, but this data is actually often missing regarding CO2 management. A good data base is everything! Nothing works without standardised measurement methods and related processes – ideally in real-time and captured in a digital twin of your company.
CO2 management will affect German companies with more than 250 employees (~15k companies) from 2024 onwards as a legal obligation in the form of the sustainability report. A forward-looking carbon management solution is well designed and perfectly implemented. It will be indispensable for economically and ecologically sensible decisions in the future. The fact that carbon management is as heterogeneous as the type of value creation further complicates the process. It is, therefore, worth taking a closer look.
>> How data helps make informed decisions
As with any investment, the ROI needs to be considered for Net-Zero invests. Climate-driven innovation deserves to be a staple in your innovation portfolio. Every climate change investment generates revenue and profits: No matter whether you save energy yourself through innovation, trade with certificates, or become active on the market with climate-protecting products and services. You can only loose if you do nothing. In the worst case, the competition wins: In 2021, the OEMs had to pay Tesla for certificates.
Circular economy, cradle to cradle, net-zero, hydrogen economy, CSI, sharing economy, recycling, bio-economy, carbon dioxide removal (CDR) – Only those who research and develop these fields can create products and services for a rapidly expanding market. They secure the chnace for valuable intellectual property.
In the following, we provide a brief insight into how we can support you in the tasks ahead:
Can we assist you with any of these challenges?