Our teams from Intuity and Fairventures worked together in a profound sprint to create the vision, goals, and differentiator of TREEO, sharpen the value proposition for ecosystem partners, and back it up with a systemic approach. Together, we developed a framework for the ecosystem and core processes, outlined an initial business model based on this, and developed an organizational structure. The pitch deck built on this facilitates collaboration with investors and relevant partners in the ecosystem – e.g. at COP26, the UN Climate Change Conference in Glasgow.
For Intuity, working with Fairventures and TREEO on their mission is a matter of the heart. We are looking forward to working closely together to expand further the range of services and reach of the TREEO platform and help shape the relevant mission.
Intuity is one of the first to offset the carbon footprint for its team with clean bound CO2 by Fairventures and TREEO. Thanks for that!