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Benedikt Groß hält einen Vortrag auf der Decoded Conference 2010

Portrait von Markus Turber
Markus Turber


Generative Gestaltung at Decoded Conference 2010

Our two Intuity fellows Benedikt Groß and Hartmut Bohnacker spoke at the Decoded Conference 2010 in Munich. You can find all talks here. Decoded stands for the crossover between design and code. Beside their talk, you’ll find interesting talks by our friend Massimo Banzi from Tinker.it and Moritz Stefaner. Massimo invented the Arduino board which brought great opportunities to the fields of tinkering, design and media art. Moritz Stefaner is famous for his generative visualizations.

Hartmut Bohnacker gives a speech at the conference

Image copyright: Decoded Conference