As with any other prototype, a machine learning prototype should be quick, reflect the properties of a final product, and be graspable and explorable. Our Artificial Intelligence Insight Tools visualize the data and the machine learning results to quickly give domain experts an intuition of what is possible within the current conception of the task. Our machine learning experts can quickly iterate through different combinations of preprocessing and learning algorithms and thus provide a preview of a fully engineered learning solution. Together, domain experts and machine learning experts reconsider the task, put it into the business context and develop an overall solution. Whether this solution consists of a single machine learning task, a combination of machine learning tasks or some completely different approach, our client has saved the effort to collect a huge number of data without even knowing whether these are the right data or whether they address the right question.
The results of our prototypical machine learning runs can directly be deployed into an overall agile development process. This is the path to lead machine learning from an isolated esoteric technique into the mainstream software development process.